Los Angeles Travel Needs Survey

Mission of the Project


Since Los Angeles is a big city, residents can get around in a multitude of ways. However, driving remains to be the dominant choice as public transit has the reputation of being unreliable, especially in recent years. This study seeks to truly understand the travel needs of Los Angeles County residents, their choice of transportation to important destinations, what factors contribute to making their transportation choices, what sort of issues influences their choices, and what could potentially be done to remedy these issues.


Survey Questions


  • What is your race/ethnicity?
  • What is your age?
  • What is your area of work?

 Travel Needs

  • How many hours do you travel a day? 
  • How much do you spend using transportation methods?

Transit Activities

  • Where do you travel? 
  • How many trips do you take?


  • Would you consider yourself an environmentalist? 
  • How do you value public safety?

Fill out the Survey Here and access the Informed Consent Form!




Note: You must be 18 years or older to fill out this survey and you must read the Informed Consent Form! At this time, we have reached 250 responses and will no longer be distributing gift cards.

Frequently Asked Questions



Q. What is the purpose of this project?

A. With the rise of ridership services like Uber and microtransit, Los Angeles offers many transportation options to residents. Our project seeks to understand the transportation needs of Los Angeles County residents and what factors determine their transportation mode choices. Does traveling to the hospital prompt using public transportation versus traveling to work? Is weather a factor in determining whether it is better to drive than take a bus? These are questions we seek to answer with our research study

Q. I do not use public transportation but would still like my opinion heard, should I take the survey?

A. Absolutely! Our study targets the residents of Los Angeles County as a whole. We understand that everybody utilizes their respective transportation mode for a myriad of reasons. We hope to understand those decisions in our survey whether it is using public transportation, driving your own car, ordering an Uber, etc. The survey also has an attitudes section for you to voice some of your concerns regarding the transportation choices in Los Angeles. 

Q. Where can I keep track of the results of the survey?

A. We intend to publish our findings in academic journals, share them with UCLA transportation, and of course, here for the participants and community to see. No personal identifiers will be included in our publication to protect participant information. Check back at the end of 2024 for our preliminary findings!

Q. What do I get out of completing the survey?

A. Upon completion, you will receive a $25 gift card. In order to receive one, input your email in the survey and keep an eye on your email for the gift card information. 

Study Findings:

Come back here to check out our findings at the end of the year!